September 15, 2017
September is Fall Prevention Awareness Month – Events & Tips

Falls are the leading cause of injury deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency room visits among adults 65 and older. This September, the South Arkansas Center on Aging Education Center is sponsoring the following events to keep our seniors upright and healthy: Older Wiser Livelier Seniors (OWLS) | September 19, 2017 | Healthworks Fitness Center Conference Room…
September 11, 2017
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Training at LifeTouch Hospice

On Thursday, August 17th, Bethany Moore, RN, CDP, trained 16 LifeTouch Hospice staff members on how to effectively engage and interact with those living with Alzheimer’s & Dementia and their care partners. Health care professionals of the LifeTouch Hospice were in attendance to help our community continue moving forward in becoming Dementia Friendly. Mrs. Moore…
September 5, 2017
Annual Head 2 Toe Wellness 2017 – “Your Best You”

Thursday, August 24, 2017 was a special day for all older adults in Union County. The South Arkansas Center on Aging Education Center (SACOA) held the annual Head 2 Toe Wellness Fair at Champagnolle Landing Senior Center. With over 300 in attendance, this event was a great success. There were over 40 local vendors who made…
August 18, 2017
August Older Wiser Livelier Seniors (OWLS)

The South Arkansas Center on Aging Education Center (SACOA), along with valued community partners (HealthWorks Fitness Center, Medical Center of South Arkansas, & South Ark Community College) hosted the monthly Older Wiser Livelier Seniors (OWLS) on August 18, 2017 at HealthWorks Fitness Center. Laura Rogers, of the Arkansas Department of Game and Fish, was our…
August 17, 2017
Caring for a Person with Dementia

In 2016, 15.9 million family members and friends provided 18.2 billion hours of unpaid assistance to those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, a contribution to the nation valued at $230.1 billion.* The South Arkansas Center on Aging, together with Schmieding Home Caregiver Training Program, is sponsoring a FREE Family Caregiver Workshop: Dementia on August 29,…
August 10, 2017
Hands-On Caregiving Skills Practice

No two days are alike at the Schmieding Home Caregiver Training Center! Thanks to our great instructors and interactive curriculum, our certified students learn to perform essential skills safely, and with confidence. In the first certified course In-Home Assistant, students learn skills like dressing and undressing, meal-time assistance, transfers from chair to wheelchair, bed baths,…
July 14, 2017
Ageless Grace Presented at Kiwanis

Members of the El Dorado Kiwanis Club participated in the Ageless Grace Program on July 12, 2017. South Arkansas Center on Aging (SACOA) staff members, Bethany Moore & Lori DeWese, educated the group on the 21 simple tools for lifelong comfort and ease. The tools can be done by almost anyone of any age and…
July 11, 2017
July HEAT (Healthy Eating and Tasting) Program

The South Arkansas Center on Aging Education Center (SACOA), along with valued community partners (HealthWorks Fitness Center, Medical Center of South Arkansas, & South Ark Community College) hosted the monthly Healthy Eating and Tasting Program on July 11, 2017 at HealthWorks Fitness Center. The featured guest was Chef Daniel Pietrack, presenting “Classic Cooking”. Dishes prepared…
June 23, 2017
El Dorado Celebrates June Graduates

The Schmieding Home Caregiver Training Center in El Dorado had five incredible students graduate from our certified program in June 2017. They plan to enter the caregiving workforce as soon as possible, and will soon take their Certified Nurses Assistant (CNA) exam. The instructors and staff in El Dorado could not be more proud of their…
June 13, 2017
Dementia Friendly Efforts in El Dorado

On April 24, 2017, ten employees from HealthWorks Fitness Center and four employees from LifeTouch Hospice attended an afternoon of training designed to help educate members of the community on how to involve and interact with people living with dementia. This training was sponsored by the South Arkansas Center on Aging Education Office, and was…
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