April 26, 2017

How to Begin a New Career as a Caregiver

Starting the journey of being a caregiver, whether you are working professionally or supporting your loved one who needs care, is a journey that comes with a lot of unknown. You ask yourself questions like, “How will I know what to do? What if I make a mistake and it makes them worse? What do I say to them?” While the notion of being someone’s caregiver may be daunting, it doesn’t have to be! At its core, being a caregiver is to show compassion, understanding and kindness from your heart for someone who has a need you can meet. If you start from this place, with education and support, you can surely be successful.

One of the hardest parts about caring for someone, especially someone with dementia, can be communication. This 2-page brochure (link below) has some very helpful information on how to communicate with someone who is living with impaired memory or cognitive function due to dementia. These tips can help improve communication between you and the person for which you care.

For more tips or information on communication or other subjects related to Alzheimer’s or dementia, call us at 870.881.8969. You can also view this handout from the National Institute of Health (NIH) about communication skills as a caregiver: Alzheimer’s Caregiving Tips: Changes in Communication.