October 18, 2016
AR you a family caregiver in Arkansas?
Please JOIN US as we celebrate National Family Caregivers Month and recognize the invaluable contributions you and the thousands of other caregivers in Arkansas make each day. The South Central Center on Aging and Schmieding Home Caregiver Training Center is sponsoring the following free events in November: November 3–Lincoln County Caregiver Appreciation Reception (In partnership with…
October 13, 2016
Home Care Assistant Skills Practice
Jessica is practicing isolation techniques with Michelle in HCA class today. This is just one of the skills our students are taught how to perform correctly in the Schmieding Home Caregiver Training Program. What does it take to become a certified home caregiver? Click HERE for more information, and give us a call at 870-879-1440 to…
October 11, 2016
What 3 Things Should a Caregiver Check Routinely in an Older Adult?
According to Kimberley Robertson, RN, our primary instructor for the Schmieding Program in Pine Bluff, there are several things that a caregiver should be alert for in their loved one. Some of these include: Home Safety: Are there any safety hazards in the home? Since the majority of falls take place in the home, it…
October 4, 2016
What is Respite Care?
What is respite care? According to Michelle Howell, LPN, Schmieding instructor and one of our caregiver experts, respite care is “temporary relief from caregiving for much needed rest for a caregiver. This could be a few hours to a few days, depending on what is needed.” Respite care gives the caregiver a chance to reduce…
October 3, 2016
FREE! Dementia Care Skills for the Family Caregiver
This FREE workshop will give an overview of info. on dementia and caregiving for anyone helping to care for an older adult with dementia in the home. Topics covered will include communication, understanding behaviors, home safety, incontinence management, caregiver stress and management, and more. Time will be allotted for lecture, hands-on demonstrations, and individual questions. Space…
September 29, 2016
Congrats to our Newly Trained In-Home Assistant!
Congratulations to Jessica for finishing the IHA class yesterday! She is now certified to provide in-home care in the state of Arkansas, and we are excited that she is choosing to complete the next 2 courses and become eligible to test for CNA or begin her career as a Schmieding-certified home caregiver! Give us a call…
September 27, 2016
Celebrate National Family Caregivers Month with Us!
In honor of National Family Caregivers Month coming up in November, here is a list of events we will be hosting in the area. These will all be great opportunities for caregivers to get out and connect with other caregivers in the area as well as see what resources are available for them! Thursday,…
September 26, 2016
Drew County Caregiver Appreciation Luncheon
We will be hosting another Caregiver Appreciation Luncheon in partnership with Drew HEALTH on Friday, Nov. 4 from 11:30 AM- 1 PM at the Monticello Public Library (114 W. Jefferson Ave., Monticello, AR 71655). Meeting with local caregivers in your area can help you to develop a support system, so be sure to mark your…
September 20, 2016
Tips from the Caregiver Experts: Alzheimer’s Disease vs. Dementia
Ever wonder about the difference between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia? Are they the same? Are they related? Here’s a tip from Kim Robertson, RN, our Schmieding Home Caregiver Training Coordinator and caregiver expert: “Dementia is a term for a collection of symptoms. It is not a disease in itself. It is a chronic decline in…
September 14, 2016
Pine Bluff Students Learn Life-Saving Skills
Even our intro-level In-Home Assistant Class teaches life-saving techniques such as the Heimlich Maneuver. Why cram the minimum CNA testing requirements into a 2-week program when you could take the time to be a certified in-home caregiver, meet the requirements for CNA testing, AND learn more about senior adults and their specific needs? Give us…
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