May 10, 2016

FREE Workshop: Dementia Care Skills for the Family Caregiver

Caring for an older adult with dementia presents many special challenges to family and friends who provide the care and support they must have to remain at home.

This program provides an overview of information on dementia and caregiving for anyone helping to provide unpaid care for an older adult with dementia at home.

Time is allotted for lecture, hands-on demonstrations, and individual questions.

When: Thursday & Friday, May 26th & 27th (2-day workshop)

(Attendance is recommended but not required for both days.)

Time: 8:00 a.m.- noon (each day)

Where: Schmieding Home Caregiver Training Center

I-530 Medical Mall

4747 Dusty Lake Drive

Pine Bluff, AR 71603

Price: FREE (There is no cost, though voluntary donations to our program are appreciated.)

Give us a call at 870-879-1440 to pre-register.

Space is limited.